Apply for Medical Assistant

Please fill out the form below and click Submit to submit your application for consideration. Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

Title:Medical Assistant
Location:Varies through Ada and/or Canyon County
Status:Full Time
Schedule:Full Time, Part Time, & Casual Schedules available Monday - Sunday
Posting Date:N/A
Contact Information
* First Name:
Middle Initial :
Candidate's Middle Initial
* Last Name:
* Address 1:
Address 2:
* City:
* State:
* Zip:
* Phone:
* Email:
* Contact Preference:
Opt-In Confirmation
I authorize recruiters from Primary Health Medical Group to send text messages from 8776242035 with requests for additional information in relation to this job application only. Message/data rates apply. Message frequency varies.
Supported formats: Word, PDF, RTF, Text, and HTML.
  - or Upload from:
Cover Letter:
You can type in a Cover Letter or Copy/Paste from an existing document.
Application for Employment
* Are you legally eligible to be employed in the United States? (Proof of identity and eligibility will be required upon employment):
Yes   No
* Are you at least 18 years or older? (If no, you may be required to provide authorization to work):
Yes   No
* Have you earned a high school diploma or equivalent?:
Yes   No
* Have you applied to this company before or worked for this company under your current name or under a different name or email address?:
Yes   No
If so, please list the name and/or email address used in prior application(s).:
* Are you able to perform the essential functions of the job for which you are applying, with or without a reasonable accommodation?:
Yes   No
If no, please explain:
* Have you ever been convicted of a felony?:
Yes   No

Give record of all High Schools, Colleges, Universities and Vocational/Technical Schools you have attended.

School Name & Location From To Did you Graduate? Degree Received Subjects Studied/Major
Yes   No   In Progress
Yes   No   In Progress
Yes   No   In Progress

If you have completed any special courses, seminars and/or training that would help you to perform the position for which you are applying, please describe:

Give your employment record starting with your current or most recent employer and going back 5 years.

Applicants must fully complete the Employment History section on this application.

Please note, some positions may require a resume in addition to a completed application. Refer to the job posting for details.


Month/Year Employed Employer Name Employer City/State

Job Title
Reason for Leaving Salary/Hourly Rate



Month/Year Employed Employer Name Employer City/State

Job Title
Reason for Leaving Salary/Hourly Rate



Month/Year Employed Employer Name Employer City/State

Job Title
Reason for Leaving Salary/Hourly Rate


Application for Employment- Supplemental
* Desired Hourly Rate/Salary:
* Would you be able to attend up to 8 days of mandatory new employee orientation (week 1 Monday-Friday 8am-5pm) along with 4-6 flexible in-clinic training shifts?:
Yes   No

Candidate Source
* Where did you hear about this position? (example: Dept of Labor, Craigslist, Indeed, etc).:
* Were you referred by a Primary Health Medical Group employee?:
Yes   No
If you were referred by an employee, please list that employee's name here.:

Policy Questions
* We require all staff to have a flu shot.  We will bill your insurance or provide to at no cost if uninsured.  Would you be willing to receive this vaccination?:
Yes   No
* Primary Health Medical Group is a tobacco free workplace. We do not allow any tobacco use on the premises, including vaping, smoking and chewing. Do you agree to abide by this policy?:
Yes   No
* We are a drug-free workplace.  If offered the job, you would need to submit to a pre-employment drug screen.  Would you be willing to submit to the pre-employment drug screen if a job is offered?:
Yes   No
* Criminal background checks are conducted on all new hires.  Would you be willing to submit to a criminal background check if offered a position?:
Yes   No

The facts set forth in this application and any supplemental information are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that, if employed, falsified statements on this application shall be considered sufficient cause for immediate discharge. I hereby authorize investigation of all statements contained herein and employers listed above to give you any and all information concerning my employment, and any pertinent information they may have, and release all parties from all liability for any damage that may result from furnishing same.

I understand that neither the completion of this application nor any other part of my consideration for employment establishes any obligation for the company to hire me. If I am hired, I understand that either the company or I can terminate my employment at any time and for any reason, with or without cause and without prior notice. I understand that no representative of the company has the authority to make any assurance to the contrary.

I understand that I am required to abide by all rules and regulations of the company.

* Signature (type name):
* Date:
License Questionnaire
* List any licenses/certifications that are pertinent to the position which you are applying for.
List the name of the license, license number, state and expiration date.  Please attach copy(ies) of license/certification with resume.
RN/LPN/MA General Questions
* COVID precautions - PHMG has a policy that all back office staff/providers must be masked while caring for a potential COVID patient, as well as any staff member involved in aerosol-generating procedures.  Masks are optional for front office staff, regardless of vaccination status. Policy is subject to change dependent on COVID transmission rates in the area. Are you willing to abide by this policy?
* Tattoos may be showing. NO: facial tattoos, tattoos containing profanity, nudity, or racial/other discriminatory images. Facial piercings are limited to 2, ear piercings in any number is allowed (including bars and gauges). Hair of any color is allowed. Do you agree to abide by this policy?
* This job requires sitting, standing, walking, bending, typing. Would you be able to perform these duties with or without an accommodation?
* We have a mandatory call schedule. Every clinic employee is required to work at least one call day per month. Float employees are required to work two call days per month. When on call, you will be required to travel to any of our clinics and work on that day. Would you be available to take call?
* We may need to change your schedule or location temporarily or permanently due to staffing accommodations or clinic operation changes. If you move mid-day, mileage will be paid based on the distance traveled. Would you be willing to make these changes as needed?
* What is your ideal schedule?  Please be specific as to days and times.
* Are there any days or times that you cannot work?
* We have multiple locations throughout the Treasure Valley.  Are you able to work in all of our locations?
What are you wage expectations? Please be specific as to dollar amount per hour that you would require in order to accept a position.

How would you rate yourself on the following skills/point of care testing on a scale of 0-5?
0= no experience
1= experience during schooling only
2= little experience
3= average experience
4= above average experience
5=very highly experienced

* General computer skills
0   1   2   3   4   5
* Electronic medical records
0   1   2   3   4   5
* Venipunctures
0   1   2   3   4   5
* Intramuscular Medication Administration
0   1   2   3   4   5
* Strep testing
0   1   2   3   4   5
* Flu testing
0   1   2   3   4   5
* Mono testing
0   1   2   3   4   5
* Urinalysis
0   1   2   3   4   5
0   1   2   3   4   5
* Do you speak Spanish?

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